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Sinix (Baltimore)
525 Eastern Blvd, Baltimore, MD 21221
map || facebook || twitter: @SinixRox

Sinix posted the following letter on its Facebook page on 24 December 2012 announcing its closure:
An Open Letter;

Sinix has closed.

I would like to especially thank the entire staff.

You are the personality of Sinix. I can't thank you enough for the good times you have given our guests. You gave me your "heart and soul" every night. I can t express enough gratitude for all of your support through the good times, and especially the bad times.

To all the friends of Sinix and Macs, thank you.
There are too many names for me to mention everyone. Whatever night was your night, I hope you will remember Sinix as a time of drinking and partying with friends.

To stop the rumor mills from running amok. Sinix has closed simply because I ran out of money. That really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, since I was always struggling.

Thank you all for the good times.

Frank Bohmer Jr.